Wednesday, October 5, 2011


So the 2011 Stanley Cup Champion Boston Bruins begin tomorrow night. Although they are the reigning champs and were the toast of the town in the late spring and early summer earlier this year, they appear to be entering this upcoming season rather quietly. With the recent Red Sox September swoon and the subsequent firing/stepping down (depending on whose story you believe) of Terry Francona along with the Patriots season, including this upcoming week's big AFC match-up with the Jets, the Bruins haven't received much publicity. Hopefully however, with the NBA season status in limbo, this could be the year that the Bruins along with the NHL as a whole can capitalize and become a lead story in the papers and on shows such as Sportscenter.

I am not going to take this opportunity to give my season predictions, just because I haven't done enough research or watched much of the pre-season, but what I do know is that the Bruins should be a very good team, not only this year, but for years to come. Although the B's lost Ryder, Kaberle, and most importantly Recchi, they have signed many of their core players for the forseeable future including Lucic, Bergeron and Chara. Another reason why there is much hope for the Bruins future is their youth, with players like Seguin, Marchand and even Rask who showed much promise in the 2009-2010 season in net, and who is expected to play more reguarly during the upcoming season. In any sport all the great teams seem to have a nice blend of youth and experience and last years Bruins team, along with this season's seem to have just that. And one last thing, as long as Tim Thomas is in net, I will always bet on the Bruins to win. I don't think any player in Boston sports history has become an instant legend as much as Tim Thomas, based on his rock solid performances in the net throughout the playoffs last year.

Before the banner is raised and the first puck drops tomorrow, I would like to take this time to give my final reflection on last year's Cup winning squad. The team definitely had its moments that caused much frustration (most notably the power play in the playoffs) but in general, they were an easy and very likable team to root for. In many ways they reminded me a lot like the "Idiots" from the 2004 World Series winning Red Sox squad. The guys were very personable and liked to have a good time. They wanted The Cup just as much for them, as for the fans who have been waiting since 1972 for the Cup to return home to Boston. In the days after the winning it all the Bruins made sure that they brought The Cup out in public to places such as Tia's on the waterfront, so the fans could see and touch it. It is for reasons like this why this upcoming Bruins season is being greeted with much delight by the fans. People have been yearning for a month now for a team that they truly want to root for on a daily basis, and I along with many fans can't wait for 7 PM tomorrow night.


If the Bruins or hockey isn't your thing, but are still a sports fan and fantasy football player, I HIGHLY recommend watching the season 3 premier of "The League" tomorrow on FX at 10:30 PM (if you are a Comcast user it is also on demand). I started watching it during season 2 last year and quickly became a fan of the show. It does a great job in using comedy within the fantasy football world. However, even if you aren't into fantasy football, people still seem to find it very funny.

Well That's about it. I look forward to seeing the Bruins banner being raised tomorrow and I will have my football picks either tomorrow or on Friday.

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