Tuesday, May 6, 2014

In Claude We Trust

So far through two games the Bruins and Canadiens series has lived up to its billing.  The first two games were both extremely entertaining games and it is fitting that the series is tied at one going into game 3 up in Montreal tonight.  While this series seems like it is headed for at least six if not seven games the one telling stat that is in the B's favor tonight is their record under head coach Claude Julien in game 3's in the playoffs. Since Claude has taken over the Bruins, the Black and Gold are 14-1 in game 3's including being 3-0 against the Habs.

While I am always skeptical of comparing teams from year to year since the players on the teams change so often now, one thing that has been consistent under Calude's leadership is the B's never get rattled no matter the score in an individual game or in the score of a series.  The Bruins have overcome a two goal deficit in the playoffs three times so far this year, including the first 2 games against the Canadiens, and have rebounded with wins in game 2 in both series after dropping both game 1's.  While falling behind in a game, especially a multiple goal deficit, is never a good thing I think Claude's cool nature as a coach rubs off on the team.  Claude and the B's never feel like they are out of a game because they truly believe their depth and physical play will eventually wear down the opponent.

Obviously if you watched the first two games of the series the three main things as a Bruins fan you have to take away are: 1) The B's need to defend P.K (I learned this week it stands for Pernell Karl) Subban better at the point 2) The Bruins need to stay out of the penalty box. Local radio host Michael Felger has even gone so far to say that the B's shouldn't even check the Habs for the rest of the series and 3) The B's need capitalize on their scoring opportunities.  Watching overtime of game 1 and almost all of game 2 until the final 10 minutes, the Bruins had so many opportunities to score around the net yet were never able to capitalize.  Whether it was the Lucic whiff in game 1 or Loui Eriksson holding onto the puck for too long in game 2, it is clear the Bruins need to put the puck in the back of the net when they get Carey Price out of position.  Price has made some amazing saves through the first two games, but he has also given the Bruins many opportunities to get some easy goals.  Being in the hostile Bell Centre for the next two games where one can expect few breaks to go the Bruins way, the B's now more than ever need to take advantage of the scoring opportunities when they come their way.

My biggest takeaway from game 2 however wasn't something that happened on the ice, but rather something that took place on the Bruins bench.  For years Shawn Thornton has been a fan favorite, for his toughness on the ice and his persona off of it.  While Thornton may not score many goals, and come playoff time his role as the team's enforcer is greatly diminished, we saw on Saturday why he is so valuable to this Bruins team.  While it looked like Thornton may have suffered a serious leg injury when Subban dove instead of taking a hit, within a short amount of time Thornton was back on the Bruins bench after making a visit to the locker room.  While he barely played any shifts after returning to the bench, if you listened to the telecast Pierre McGuire mentioned multiple times how influential Thornton was in motivating the team as the B's made their epic comeback to win game 2.

While the Bell Centre is arguably the toughest place to play in the NHL, I have enough faith in Claude in game 3's and his ability to adjust within a series that the B's will come away victorious tonight.  I am not saying they will also win game 4, but if the B's can come away with a split in Montreal I think most Bruins fans will take that, as they will have regained home ice advantage.  Either way the atmosphere should be electric tonight in the Bell Centre and I can't wait to watch.

Last Nugget: So instead of writing P.S. at the end of every Rant, I figured I'd just start a new section called the "Last Nugget".  I am not sure it will be in every Rant, but basically it will revolve around a stat or topic that I found interesting that week but maybe not worthy of a full Rant.  This Rant's Last Nugget is in regards to blown leads.  While I touched on it in my Rant last week and also briefly in this Rant above, if there is one major storyline from this year's NHL Playoffs, it is "the dreaded two goal lead."  So far in these playoffs there have been 20 two goal leads that have been blown, and we are only in the early stages of the second round. Also, it looks like blowing multiple goal leads is contagious as the epidemic inflicted itself in the English Premier League yesterday.  Liverpool ,who was in the driver's seat to win the league title, blew a 3 goal lead in the final 10 minutes of yesterday's game against Crystal Palace and as a result will now most likely not win the league.   As an Everton fan, Liverpool's arch rival, I took great joy in this and I enjoyed even more seeing the Liverpool fans and players cry their faces off after the game ended.  Because I could watch video of this all day long, I provided a clip below.  Anyways, enjoy the Bruins game tonight and the other playoff games whether it be in the NHL or NBA.

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