Monday, July 16, 2007


Hello everybody, my name is Brendan Boyce and I am recent graduate of Boston College. I decided to start this whole blog thing because since graduation I have found myself to be bored and not have the ability to voice my thoughts and opinions on a lot of matters, especially when it comes to sports. In college I, along with fellow co-host Dara Bierne, produced a weekly sports talk show on BC's campus radio station WVBC called "Tuesday's with Boyceee" to discuss the weekly top sports stories. Since I currently do not have the luxury of being able to host my own radio show I figured a blog would be the next best thing. What my blog will mostly consist of, is just a weekly recap of sports with my thoughts and opinions, as well as the occasional pop culture anecdote here and there. I hope you all will enjoy it and feel free to voice your own opinions to any of my rants.


Yessir Brendan Boyce

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